
Paddle For Houston – A Message From Our CEO


In 1992 I was 15 years old in Miami.  I remember tracking Hurricane Andrew, through school and then the reality hitting that it was coming right for us.   It was a mad dash to the store, to get extra food, water, supplies etc.  This was all pre-internet, cell phones and social media.  Everyone who was not evacuated hunkered down in their homes and tried as best they could to ride out the Category 5 storm.

Seeing social media posts, videos and news coverage of Houston brings it all back.  We had higher winds in Miami but nowhere near that amount of water.  I remember neighbors rallying together and helping each other.  I remember not having electricity and being out of school for a few weeks after the storm.

I started Stand Up Paddle Colorado in 2009 in the Vail Valley.  The amount of families, patrons and business we have gotten from people that live in the area affected by Hurricane Harvey has been significant.  I think that it is fair to deduce that the Texas market is one of the largest contributors to winter and summer tourism in Colorado.

As someone who has been through a highly destructive storm and someone who has seen what the long road to rebuilding and recovery is like…we at Stand Up Paddle Colorado would like to do our part and contribute to the aid going down to Texas.  This Sunday, September 3, 100% of our revenue generated at our Lake Dillon and Nottingham Lake location is going to go straight to All Hands Volunteers effort in Houston.  The Town of Avon Recreation Department is contributing their share of our concession as well to this cause.

We urge you to come out and have a great time on the water with your friends and family, knowing that it is going to help Texan communities rebuild after this devastating storm.  We look forward to sharing on all platforms and getting the word out, in hopes of inspiring other businesses to share, support, match or do something similar to help the cause.

Gratefully yours,

Javier Placer
CEO Stand Up Paddle Colorado