
Rivers of Babylon


“Water seeks its own level. Look at them. The Tigris, the Euphrates, the Mississippi, the Amazon, the Yangtze. The world’s great rivers. And every one of them finds its way to the ocean.”

Rivers of Babylon

Dates: June 26 – June 29, 2019

Where: Jensen, UT

What:  4 Days rafting through the Gates of Lodore

Price: $1495 Rafting

$1795 SUP Instruction

$1795 Duckie the whole trip

Adrift is partnering with internationally renowned reggae musician Mishka and the inspired Maui based Chef/Yogi Reda Boustani from Evolution Yoga to create a one of a kind musically and culinary inspired trip through one of the most cherished canyons of the American West.

Mishka, Reda and Javier Placer (CEO of Adrift Dinosaur) all connected on Maui, HI.  As passionate ocean athletes, activists and conservationists they have come up with this idea of a river trip to provide a reverent and mystical experience connecting people to water.  It is easy to compartmentalize causes and for many obvious reasons actions and movements can get very localized.  Ocean athletes and ocean minded NPO’s tend to stay focused on oceans and river people and river minded NPO’s do the same.  This river trip opportunity is about bridging the river minded and the ocean minded together because essentially its all water and what happens in one effects the other.   From pollution, dams, warming and changing weather patterns all of our water is in jeopardy.  We believe strongly that localized initiatives are necessary but we also need to communicate and share in consciousness-raising experiences that help bring global awareness to all of our efforts.

The “Rivers of Babylon” provides an opportunity to disconnect from the modern hustle, rat race and go with the flow.   The goal is to connect with your higher self and other inspired individuals that feel an affinity for music, healthy foods and making a difference on this earth.  Adrift’s highly trained river guides will navigate you through the meandering, mystical canyons of the Green River with a steady dose of roots reggae from Mishka by campfire or in an impromptu cavern or chasm. Reda Boustani will lead mindful and meditative exercises as well as prepare healthy, organic and consciously sourced grinds.  The goal is to nurture the physical, mental and spiritual so that like minded water people can grow, connect, transcend and transform.

In the famous Hopi Elder Message it was shared…

””Know the river has its destination.  The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water.   And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.  At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.

“The time for the lone wolf is over.  Gather yourselves!  Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.  All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

We are reaching out to you!  We have been waiting for you.  This trip is meant to be a sacred celebration like no other.  We are limited to 20 spots because of permitting so it will be intimate and powerful.  Join us and I guarantee that one way or another the magical vibrations we share and transmit into the nutrient rich waters of the Green River will in some form or another make it to all our final destination, the sea.